
CHEST members are empowered to make themselves heard and make a difference in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine. Our committees, Networks, Board of Regents, and Presidents work diligently to ensure that CHEST addresses the key issues that affect our members, patients, and communities.

Because of our volunteer leaders, we are able to provide the most relevant and impactful content and educational offerings for the entire chest medicine community.



CHEST 2025 honor lectures and annual awards

Now accepting your nominations

Do you have a colleague or mentor who should be recognized for their work in chest medicine? Consider submitting a nomination for an honor lecture or annual award at CHEST 2025.

Each year, we honor those advancing chest medicine, providing mentorship and training, and furthering the chest medicine profession.

Guided by our core values, we celebrate the diversity of the CHEST community and strive for inclusive representation and equitable outcomes in our meeting offerings. To the extent possible, selection priority will be given to outstanding nominations that represent a diversity of lived and learned experience and professional status.

Review the openings and criteria, then nominate a colleague or mentor worthy of recognition. Those selected for an honor lecture will be invited to present at CHEST 2025 in Chicago, October 19 to 22, and award winners will be formally recognized at the meeting.

Nomination category requisites


Nomination deadline: Friday, February 7, 2025

Questions? Please contact Emily Petraglia at epetraglia@chestnet.org.

View the 2024 and previous award recipients »
