Repositioning CHEST Networks For the Future
By: Angel Coz, MD, FCCP; Cassie Kennedy, MD, FCCP; Aneesa Das, MD, FCCP; and David Zielinski, MD, FCCP
January 31, 2022
Welcome to the new year and your new Networks structure. We are excited to introduce the updated approach that will address the evolving needs of the Networks.
This transition has been more than 2 years in the making. In 2019, under the directive of former CHEST President, Dr. Stephanie Levine, the Networks Task Force was charged with guiding a redevelopment plan with the goal of better serving CHEST membership and aligning closer with curriculum categories and other CHEST priorities.
The Networks Task Force was led by Co-Chairs, Aneesa Das, MD, FCCP, and David Zielinski, MD, FCCP, along with Council of Networks Chair, Angel Coz, MD, FCCP; Jack Buckley, MD, MPH, FCCP; Christopher Carroll, MD, FCCP; De De Gardner, DrPH, RRT, FCCP; Sandhya Khurana, MD, FCCP; and David Schulman, MD, FCCP. They focused on learning what Networks aspects worked, what could be improved, and how to increase the Networks’ overall influence and visibility.
The task force attentively listened to member comments and considered the insight and feedback from Network steering committee leaders. The group learned that Network priorities should include:
- Creating sustainable resources for Network members.
- Increasing digital presence.
- Generating additional leadership pathways and opportunities.
After 2 years of investigation and thoughtful strategic planning, the task force presented a plan to the Council of Networks for a new structure to achieve these objectives. The Governance Committee and College Board of Regents accepted the proposal in summer 2021.
Under the new structure, previously defined steering committees are now known as Sections. There are 22 Sections grouped under the leadership umbrella of 7 Networks. The Networks are composed of the Section chairs, vice-chairs, and members-at-large. The Council of Networks still provides oversight. This layered approach is intended to help reduce silos and support improved collaboration between groups.
You might notice that many of the new Sections promote different areas of interest. These changes allow the groups to align closer to CHEST’s curriculum areas. The Networks are better positioned to act as content experts in more CHEST initiatives. The new Sections each focus on a specific curriculum area of pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine.
You will also notice that not all of the original individual Networks mapped over into the new structure. The Task Force determined that these special interests have broad appeal across all domains and would benefit from collective curriculum integration rather than being relegated to individual Sections. The decision to dissolve these individual steering committees was neither taken lightly, nor was it easy. The intent is that these interest areas will have increased access to resources and support under the expanded structure.
We are optimistic this new structure will enhance your Network experience. As with any meaningful change, we may face some growing pains along the way. Your Network leadership is open to feedback and making adjustments to better serve the CHEST membership.
Here are your ways to stay (or get) involved with the Networks and be informed.
- Subscribe to receive the latest information on topics most important to you by joining a Network. Network membership gives you access to Network News, a bi-yearly communication from your Network chair with relevant education course offerings, key events in the CHEST community, and up-to-date information on happenings in your Network.
- Join multiple Networks, or change your affiliation any time, by logging in to your CHEST Account, and indicate your preferences on the My Networks page.
- Apply for a position when the call for nominations opens. Keep an eye out soon for an announcement.
- Join a Network call. Contact Networks staff at for access to the call information. Call information will be available soon on the individual Network webpages.
In the meantime, please take a few minutes to become acquainted with our new structure by visiting the new Network webpages.
We hope you are as excited as we are with what’s in store for CHEST members.

Angel Coz, MD, FCCP
Chair, Council of Networks

Cassie Kennedy, MD, FCCP
Vice-Chair, Council of Networks

Aneesa Das, MD, FCCP
Co-Chair, Networks Task Force

David Zielinski, MD, FCCP
Co-Chair, Networks Task Force