Q&A With Viren Kaul, MD, FCCP

Viren Kaul, MD, FCCP

Mechanical Ventilation and Airways Management Section Vice-Chair
CHEST member since 2017

September 4, 2024

Where do you work?
Crouse Health at Upstate Medical University.

What are your research interests?
Airways management in critically ill patients, mechanical ventilation, pleural diseases, procedural competency, medical education, and technology.

What led you to join your Network?
I was first introduced to the Network as a fellow and found the Network leadership highly interested and engaged in mentorship. They invested time into my professional growth. Additionally, the Network aligned with my clinical interests and has become my professional home, so I can continue collaborating with others with similar interests.

What achievements are you most proud of contributing to within your Network?
Building a team that has a strong track record of scholarly output based on encouraging each other's passion projects!

How has being in a Network benefited your career and your experience as a CHEST member?
As an intensivist, there are often times you love a second opinion. Thanks to the Network, I have a robust structure of colleagues I can reach out to at all times of the day for clinical reasoning, to get life advice, or to be a sounding board for research projects. Sometimes, for all of the above in the same call.

What are your hobbies?
HIIT; marveling at how our 1-year-old, Tallulah, seems to just learn things on her own; and hiking with my wife, Lauren, along with Tallulah and our pups.

What is something you cannot live without (after family and friends)?
Biryani. This was the easiest question to answer.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with your Network peers?
If you have an idea, no matter how solidified, just reach out to us!



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